All Things Narrative Presents:
Connecting the movies we love with the stories we live

45: Nature vs. Nurture with Archetypes (MEGAMIND)
How much of our identity is dictated by your biology versus your environment? In our new series on 'Authenticity', we wrestle with the nature vs. nurture debate through the lens of the archetypes, using the film MEGAMIND. We also discuss the difference between Internal and Intentional States, the intersection between God's will and our desires, and Jason's own experiences of navigating his archetypes.

44: The Journey Towards Great Art (RATATOUILLE)
How does one become a great artist? Finishing out our "I Am The Protagonist" series is Jason's pick, the beloved Pixar film RATATOUILLE. We discuss the role of criticism in art, while settling the debate once and for all whether anyone can cook.

43: Embracing Your Uniqueness (CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS)
Have you ever struggled to be accepted by your family or community? In this next installment in our "I Am the Protagonist" series, Joseph takes us through the quirky animated film CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS. We discuss the feelings of rejection that come when we embrace our uniqueness.

42: When the Power of Cinema Takes Over (CINEMA PARADISO)
What is the relationship between the movies we love and the stories we live? This is a question we explore with on this podcast. But in this episode, we examine the pitfalls of our own premise through one of the most acclaimed films of all time: CINEMA PARADISO. Nick leads us through this intimate installment of our "I Am the Protagonist" series. Nestled within this so-called love letter to the movies is a cautionary tale about the dangers of projecting our worldviews onto others. We also wrestle with the iconic ending, which might be more tragic than you think.

41: To See With Eyes Unclouded By Hate (PRINCESS MONONOKE)
Have you ver felt trapped in a conflict that’s beyond your control? We kick off our brand new series “I Am the Protagonist” with a very personal film for Derrick: Hayao Miyazaki’s PRINCESS MONONOKE. This Studio Ghibli fantasy epic wrestles with how we can reconcile differing points of view. We also discuss the way it layers both Western and Eastern forms of storytelling, while analyzing it from different perspectives such as Christianity and Narrative Therapy.

40: Finding God Through Nature and Grace (THE TREE OF LIFE)
What does it mean to wrestle with God? In our season finale, we analyze the richly complex theological masterpiece THE TREE OF LIFE. In this arthouse film, director Terrence Malick takes us on a tour through everything from the vastness of the cosmos, to the fragility of our own memories. Using a Sparklines storytelling structure, he allows us to grapple with the tension between creation and Creator. Our analysis incorporates the biblical narrative, the writings of Augustine and Dostoevsky, and the Tree of Life Narrative Practice, all accompanied by world-renown classical music. Additionally, we get personal about the family dynamics portrayed in THE TREE OF LIFE.

39: How Religion Emerges and Evolves (KINGDOM OF THE PLANET OF THE APES)
What do we make of religion? That's our topic for this month, and we're kicking things off with one of this summer's blockbuster hits: KINGDOM OF THE PLANET OF THE APES. These films have always incorporated religious themes and undertones. But in this episode, we analyze this installment's parallels with Christianity, church history, and whether there is anything out there better than mankind.

38: Wake Up! (THEY LIVE)
The truth is out there; are you willing to see it? We end 'Politics' month with a discussion on John Carpenter's cult-classic THEY LIVE. This film raises questions about the power of advertising as propaganda, how to separate fact from fiction, and whether we are heading towards a dystopia. Regardless of our beliefs, we're all just trying to get everyone to wear the glasses and see our point of view. Joining us is film enthusiast Talya Lerman.

How do we navigate racial tensions amidst our differing and limited perspectives? In this next installment of our 'Politics' series, things heat up as we dive into the controversial Criterion film DO THE RIGHT THING. We discuss how director Spike Lee maintains a balance between objectivity and subjectivity in portraying diverse characters. And throughout the conversation, we seek to find common ground amidst our differing perspectives on what it means to do the right thing.

36: When the World Goes Crazy (DON’T LOOK UP)
Do we turn a blind eye to truth, or accept it as reality? In our next political installment, we cover the highly divisive satire DON'T LOOK UP. This apocalyptic allegory tackles many subjects pertaining to big government, big media, and big tech. We also debate about whether this film is true to our current political climate, while Joseph defines 'The System' for us once and for all.

35: What’s Left to Believe In? (MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON)
What are the lost causes worth fighting for? It's time to navigate the controversial landscape of 'Politics', starting with our first entry: MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON. Despite releasing 85 years ago, it remains a relevant story about recognizing the infallibility of the institutions we hold dear. Derrick also gets personal by sharing how his own deconstruction of Christian Ministry connects with Mr. Smith's disenchantment of the American Dream.

34: The Shattered Psyche (BATMAN RETURNS)
Do our masks hide or reveal our most authentic selves? In this final installment of our ‘Hearts of Darkness’ series, Nick leads us through the underrated Burton masterpiece that is BATMAN RETURNS. We analyze these characters in hopes to better understand our inner demons, our relationships, and what it means to be a hero. We also explore the role of antagonists in storytelling, and why this is a definitive take on Batman.

33: The Importance of Community (THE BLOB)
This goes deeper than you think! This installment in our 'Hearts of Darkness' series focuses on the government-created virus THE BLOB. Joseph leads us through this archetypal horror film about the importance of standing together in community. We also share how we confront our struggles through this podcast.

32: Why Are We Drawn to Villains? (AMERICAN PSYCHO)
What are we truly capable of? We continue through our ‘Hearts of Darkness’ series by discussing one of the 21st Century’s most controversial films: AMERICAN PSYCHO. We wrestle with why so many people are drawn to Patrick Bateman, while also discussing the importance of confession, and the Normalizing Gaze.

31: Moral Ambiguity and Cinema (INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS)
How can a film both vanquish evil, while also revealing the darkness within? In this first entry of our 'Hearts of Darkness' series, we tackle Quentin Tarantino's WWII fan fiction: INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS. But despite the often black-and-white view we have about the heroic Allies versus the evil Nazis, this film reveals the moral ambiguities that characterize war. And as we'll see, INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS places us in its crossfires through its meta-engagement with the power of cinema. We also discuss how this film uses a Nested Loop story structure, how Tarantino brought this film to life, and how its ending ties into the Jewish Shema. Joining us is professional screenwriter Kyle Arrington.

30: When Your Moral Code Fails (NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN)
Do you think it's getting harder to do good deeds in our modern society? Is the world getting worse, or has it always been this bad? In the last part to our 'Lost Justice' series, we analyze the Coen Brothers' thought-provoking film No Country For Old Men. We wrestle with this challenging commentary about the nature of arbitrary violence in our chaotic world, while contending with the struggle to be a Good Samaritan nowadays. Joining our conversation is acclaimed television screenwriter Kyle Arrington.

29: Would You Sell Your Soul to Save Your Family? (THE GODFATHER II)
"For what does it profit a man to gain the world and forfeit his soul?" (Mark 8:36). For Michael Corleone in THE GODFATHER II, lost justice comes in the form of vengeance. His unwillingness to forgive hardens his heart and turns everyone against him. Based on his tragic downfall, we outline the path to ruin, and how to avoid falling into the same pitfalls. Joining our conversation is acclaimed television screenwriter Kyle Arrington.

28: The Tragedy of Maintaining Power at All Cost (THE GODFATHER)
Why does one pursue power, even if it keeps resulting in tragedy? In our new series on 'Lost Justice', we examine one of the greatest films of all time: THE GODFATHER. We compare and contrast Vito "Don" Corleone with his son Michael, and what their diverging paths say to us about different perceptions of justice. Joining our conversation is acclaimed television screenwriter Kyle Arrington.

27: Healing Our Fractured Humanity (ROBOCOP)
How do we heal and maintain our identities when society tries to dehumanize and reprogram us? In this final episode of our 'Masculinity in the Modern Age' series, we broadcast from the '80's Movies Club in West Palm Beach after a screening of the '80's sci-fi satire ROBOCOP. This story depicts the challenges of a man reclaiming his heart of flesh after it's been replaced by a heart of metal, and what that means for us today. We also discuss the similarities between Robocop and Batman, the fickleness of memory, and the challenges of being a police officer.

26: Regaining Control of Your Narrative (THE HOLDOVERS)
How do we regain control over our lives? In this next installment of our 'Masculinity in the Modern Age' series, we propose a way forward for men through the recent film THE HOLDOVERS. As the book of Proverbs says, older men bring wisdom, and younger men bring strength, and film explores this dynamic through the relationship between a strict teacher and his wayward student. Through this, we share how this story relates to us as teachers, and how healthy masculinity involves stewarding what we've been given responsibly.
Podcast Inquiry
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