Ep. 14: Narrative Panel #1

Welcome to our first panel featuring Narrative Practitioners from Australia, Canada, and America. We discuss a variety of topics, including our use of language with those we work with, the discourses within 'Tick, Tick, BOOM', and the importance of being de-centered, yet influential in our work. 

Kate’s belief that everyone has a story to tell drives every creative program and workshop that she develops and is the driving force behind the foundation of the Book Incubator. Known for her empathy and compassion mixed with a rather wicked sense of humour, Kate has the ability to quickly  create bonds and build safe places for people to share their stories. She has created a series of award winning Narrative Therapy initiatives that support her belief in the importance of written, visual and oral  storytelling.  Kate is a sought after speaker in the corporate sector, in communities and at creative forums.

Tobias Rader lives with his partner, his two children and dog in Port Alberni, BC Canada. He is a Social Worker and Narrative Therapist, working for the Province of BC and in private practice. He has a deep interest in the use of silence in Narrative practice and is most curious in finding rich narratives that are unspoken.

Kristin Pedemonti, Master’s Narrative Therapy & Community Work is a Narrative Practitioner specializing in piecing together preferred stories with survivors of abuse, addictions, and assault. She has worked with persons with lived experiences of: childhood trauma, domestic violence, trafficking and war. Recipient of National Storytelling Network’s International StoryBridge Award she has presented and performed on 5 continents in 20 countries, her favorite Iran. She is also a Storytelling Consultant at the World Bank. Kristin is the author of three books, most recently A Bridge of Stories which chronicles her journey creating and facilitating a decolonized seven year volunteer literacy project in Belize.

All Things Narrative offers group workshops and 1-on-1 coaching that can empower you to live a meaningful story. Learn more and get your FREE consultation at: allthingsnarrative.com

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Ep. 15: Living Intentionally (The Elements of Story in Your Life)


Ep. 13: All About Dreams