Ep. 19: Why We Love Lord of the Rings & Narnia

Welcome to the lands of Middle Earth & Narnia! This week, fellow story enthusiast Ryan Mating joins Derrick to explore two of the greatest fantasy franchises of all time. We compare and contrast Tolkien's and Lewis' approaches to storytelling, dive deep into the mythology of Middle Earth & Narnia, and share our favorite moments from these fantasy epics that help us live a meaningful story. 

  • Introductions (0:00)

  • A "Brief" Bio of J.R.R. Tolkien & C.S. Lewis (3:31)

  • Our Personal Introductions to LOTR & Narnia (13:36)

  • The Mythos of Middle Earth (18:40)

  • The Mythos of Narnia (41:53)

  • Our Favorite LOTR & Narnia Moments (1:04:12)

  • How Fantasy Inspires Us to Live a Meaningful Story (1:12:13)

All Things Narrative offers group workshops and 1-on-1 coaching that can empower you to live a meaningful story. Learn more and get your FREE consultation at: allthingsnarrative.com

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Ep. 20: The Hero in All of Us (with Jeff Ritter)


Ep. 18: You Are A Storyteller