Ep. 24: Becoming an Entrepreneur, A Story IV His Glory (with Sheim Francis)

Let me introduce you to dedicated teacher, spoken-word artist, and successful entrepreneur Sheim Francis. Sheim shares his story of belonging, obedience, and resilience. Along the way, we discuss the struggles and joys that come with being an entrepreneur as Sheim shares the journey of starting his own company, IV His Glory.

  • Introductions (0:00)

  • Finding a Voice through Poetry and Teaching (4:42)

  • Developing IV His Glory Clothing Co. (22:33)

  • What Keeps Sheim Going (49:03)

Learn more about IV His Glory Clothing

Connect with Sheim on Instagram 

Check out Derrick's Episode on Sheim's Podcast IV The Record

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Ep. 25: Being De-Centered, yet Influential


Ep. 23: Why We Love Spider-Man (Part 2)