All Things Narrative Presents:
Connecting the movies we love with the stories we live

38: Wake Up! (THEY LIVE)
The truth is out there; are you willing to see it? We end 'Politics' month with a discussion on John Carpenter's cult-classic THEY LIVE. This film raises questions about the power of advertising as propaganda, how to separate fact from fiction, and whether we are heading towards a dystopia. Regardless of our beliefs, we're all just trying to get everyone to wear the glasses and see our point of view. Joining us is film enthusiast Talya Lerman.

27: Healing Our Fractured Humanity (ROBOCOP)
How do we heal and maintain our identities when society tries to dehumanize and reprogram us? In this final episode of our 'Masculinity in the Modern Age' series, we broadcast from the '80's Movies Club in West Palm Beach after a screening of the '80's sci-fi satire ROBOCOP. This story depicts the challenges of a man reclaiming his heart of flesh after it's been replaced by a heart of metal, and what that means for us today. We also discuss the similarities between Robocop and Batman, the fickleness of memory, and the challenges of being a police officer.

8: How Curiosity Frees Us from Autopilot (Jason & WALL-E)
How do we break free from autopilot? We wrestle with this question by exploring the temptation to outsource to technology, as seen in both 'Wall-E' and '2001 Space Odyssey'. And Jason shares his journey of breaking free through cultivating curiosity and wonder in his life.
Podcast Inquiry
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