All Things Narrative Presents:
Connecting the movies we love with the stories we live
33: The Importance of Community (THE BLOB)
This goes deeper than you think! This installment in our 'Hearts of Darkness' series focuses on the government-created virus THE BLOB. Joseph leads us through this archetypal horror film about the importance of standing together in community. We also share how we confront our struggles through this podcast.
32: Why Are We Drawn to Villains? (AMERICAN PSYCHO)
What are we truly capable of? We continue through our ‘Hearts of Darkness’ series by discussing one of the 21st Century’s most controversial films: AMERICAN PSYCHO. We wrestle with why so many people are drawn to Patrick Bateman, while also discussing the importance of confession, and the Normalizing Gaze.
Podcast Inquiry
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Interested in being a potential guest?
Want to feature Derrick as a guest on your show?
Contact us here!