All Things Narrative

Storytelling Education & Coaching

Organizations We’ve Worked With:

How do we communicate our stories meaningfully?

A Coaching Program rooted in Narrative Therapy Practices

Let’s take a journey!

Discover what story your life is telling, and how to better communicate that story to the people around you.

Offered both in-person and virtually.

“Being part of the Live A Meaningful Story [program] has been a true encouragement for me to stop merely existing and really take on the role of lead character in my life. I’d go through these workshops again and again. Thank you Derrick for the spaces you create for our community to cheer each other on and walk alongside each other as we discover what it is to live a meaningful story.” — Thamar

Storytelling for Speakers & Leaders

Are you ready to take your public speaking to the next level?

In this 3-hour workshop, you’ll learn how to:

  • Take your audience on a journey by cultivating storytelling skills.

  • Clarify your message through crafting your narrative.

  • Communicate your story effectively in 5-minutes or 1-minute.

Also available through 1-on-1 coaching

Workshops & Classes

  • Lunch & Learn

    Cultivate storytelling skills while discovering your communication style in our introductory workshop.

  • Staff Development

    Discover a creative use for problem-solving through the use of archetypes, or learn how to tel your organization’s story more effectively.

  • Educational Experiences

    Learn how to better understand and appreciate the stories you love in literature and films.

  • Youth Classes

    Teaching storytelling and communication skills to youth ages 10 & up.

Listen to the Live A Meaningful Story Podcast

How stories help us make sense of life

Listen and Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

Listen and Subscribe on Spotify


Events & Speaking

Searching for an opportunity to tell your story?

Our quarterly open mic creates safe spaces for people to tell their stories. Held in Lake Worth, FL

Searching for a speaker for your next event?

Derrick gives inspirational talks on a variety of topics related to Narrative and storytelling.



  • All Things Narrative LLC guides you towards telling and living your story more meaningfully. We do this through both personal and professional development coaching, workshops, classes, events, speaking engagements, and our podcast.

    We aspire to be a hub for all things that fall under the category of narratives/storytelling. This includes:

    • Storytelling through speech, writing, films, and other media

    • Narrative Therapy Practices

    • Story Analysis & Education

    • The role of Storytelling in Religion/Spirituality (particularly in Christianity & Judaism).

    Throughout our offerings, you will find diverse ideas from Donald Miller, Viktor Frankl, David Denborough, Michael White, Joseph Campbell, Jonathan Gottschall, C.S. Lewis, the Bible, and many others.

    To learn more about our story, please visit our Who We Are page.

  • Over the last 14 years, I (Derrick) have been teaching in various contexts, including:

    • Community Workshops for Adults

    • Retreats

    • Churches & Youth Ministries

    • Afterschool Programs

    • Celebrate Recovery for Teens and other Addiction Treatment Centers for Young Adults

    • Homeless Shelters

    The central theme running through my career has been storytelling, whether it’s teaching people the art of telling their life stories, analyzing fictional stories, or studying the stories of the Bible. My approach to education has always involved creating a safe space for people to share freely about their lives without judgment.

    In 2019, I began incorporating Narrative Therapy Practices into my work, leading me to acquire a Master’s in Narrative Therapy and Community Work from the University of Melbourne in partnership with the Dulwich Centre.

    In 2020, I was on a team that helped a nonprofit tell their story through a virtual gala that helped raised over $500k.

    I have also been awarded and featured in several publications for my work with youth and storytelling.

    To learn more, please visit our Meet Our Founder page.

  • My official title is Narrative Practitioner. However, since most people are unfamiliar with this title, I refer to myself as a Storytelling Coach. I also am considered a teacher, speaker, and podcaster. Ultimately, I am here to be a support and a guide that empowers you to take an active role in your life and the story you want to live in.

    To learn more, please visit our Narrative Practices page or read Derrick’s Recommended Reading list.

  • We offer 2 coaching programs. ‘Live A Meaningful Story’ is our personal development program that’s primarily targeted towards a group (cohort) model, but can be offered 1-on-1 as well.

    ‘Storytelling for Speakers’ is our professional development program, and is aimed at helping speakers and writers communicate their stories more effectively.

    Both programs can be experienced in a group (cohort) or 1-on-1. We offer coaching both in-person (in South Florida) and virtually. Whichever you choose, we will meet together weekly (duration of time determined by number of participants).

    Our time together will feature a combination of discussions, activities, and teaching. During the week, I will send you additional resources and check-in with you for accountability.

    We first recommend doing a free 30-minute consultation to see if All Things Narrative is a good fit for what you need. So if you are interested in wanting to better communicate and live your story more meaningfully, then definitely reach out to us!

    Learn more about our Live A Meaningful Story program and our Storytelling for Speakers program.

    If you are interested in coaching sessions a-la-carte for specific projects, please reach out to Derrick.

  • Whenever a public workshop is available, a link to sign-ups will be posted here on the home page. Otherwise, most of our workshops are done through private bookings with groups. You can inquire about hosting a workshop at your organization, business, church, or community group.

    Some of the workshops we offer include:

    Storytelling for Speakers: Our flagship workshop designed to help you cultivate storytelling skills so you can communicate your speeches more effectively.

    Archetypes and Problem Solving in the Workplace: A fun staff development experience that utilizes archetypes and externalizing conversations in order to create a healthier workplace culture.

    Crafting Your Testimony: Designed specifically for churches and ministries, this helps participants effectively create and articulate their testimonies regarding their faith journeys.

    Reconnecting the Narrative: A workshop that helps nonprofits gain clarity over the story they want to invite their staff, volunteers, and donors to participate in.

    The Hero’s Journey & Film Analysis: A series of educational workshops that foster appreciation and skills for analyzing stories in films and books. (An extension of the Live A Meaningful Story Podcast)

    Storytelling 101: Our introductory workshop that introduces participants to the art of storytelling through meaningful activities.

    To learn more, please visit our Workshops page.

  • Our classes are designed to teach storytelling skills and can be adapted to groups of nearly all ages. Our classes are great for youth organizations (schools, homeschools, afterschool programs) and educational institutions (colleges/universities, libraries, community classes, senior assisted living groups).

    To learn more, please visit our Classes page.

  • The Live A Meaningful Story Podcast is free and available via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Podcasts, Podbean, and other platforms. It features conversations between me and 3 close friends with different backgrounds as we learn how to navigate life, one film at a time. If you want to learn more about the art of storytelling through examples in fiction, then this is the podcast for you!

    To learn more, please visit our Podcast page.

Are you ready to start your next chapter?

Connect with us on Social Media


“All of us have a story to tell. Even though most will remain unpublished, all are lived … how important it is, then, to stop and reflect on our story, for we never quite know how or when it will end.”

— John W. de Gruchy

Contact us

(561) 406-8450

Loxahatchee, FL, USA