The Hero’s Journey & Film Analysis

An Educational Workshop

“Derrick's workshop on the Hero's Journey was informative, insightful, and inspiring. As a writer, I feel like Derrick does an amazing job breaking down the structure of a story, and I look forward to learning more from him.” - Wilandy

How do stories shape our identity?

Storytellers are familiar with the ways stories shape individuals and cultures. And whether we realize it or not, the stories we give our time and attention to are influencing us, whether they be in books, films, or plays.

When influential writer and professor Joseph Campbell studied ancient myths, he discovered the underlying patterns that emerge cross-culturally. These patterns have been integrated into a storytelling structure known as The Hero’s Journey. And it is this structure that forms the basis of many of the most prevalent and influential stories in pop culture, whether it be Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, or the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

In these workshops, you will learn the Hero’s Journey, and how to analyze films according to their themes, archetypes, and symbolism.

These workshops are perfect for educational institutions such as libraries, colleges, senior centers, and other community groups. These workshops can go for as short or as long as desired, with opportunities for participants to engage and practice the tools they learn.

Get a taste of how we analyze stories on the Live A Meaningful Story Podcast.

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Workshop pricing varies based on the following factors:

  • Number of Participants

  • Length

  • Location