All Things Narrative Presents:
Connecting the movies we love with the stories we live
24: Recovering Your Agency in a Broken System (ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST)
How do people stuck in a broken system find liberation? In this final installment of our 'Power of Myth' series, we analyze Jason's pick, one of the most acclaimed films of all time: ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST. Throughout this conversation, we explain how this is a Narrative Therapy film that challenges the 'normalizing gaze', and reveals why we should take a de-centered, yet influential approach in helping others. Jason also gets personal in sharing how he overcame depression, and how his passion for birds unlocks this story's deeper meaning.
23: More Than Meets the Eye (TRANSFORMERS)
Why do we gravitate towards certain kinds of stories? In this next episode of our 'Power of Myth' series, we search for the deeper meaning of TRANSFORMERS. Joseph shares what these robots in disguise mean to him, with their themes of peacemaking, beating the odds, and transformative leadership. We also discuss at length the TRANSFORMERS mythos; along with why we as humans enjoy collecting physical objects, and the deeper meanings we derive from them.
22: Saying “Yes” to the Adventure of Life (THE GREEN KNIGHT)
How do myths of the past speak to our present situations? In this episode of our 'Power of Myth' series, we learn how to accept the adventures life grants us through the A24 film adaptation of the King Arthur tale THE GREEN KNIGHT. Nick shares how Sir Gawain's journey parallels his own, while providing insights from Joseph Campbell's book 'The Power of Myth'.
21: Coming-of-Age in an Ever-Changing World (PINOCCHIO)
How do we grow and mature in a world that is trying to mold us into its own image? In this first entry of our 'Power of Myth' series, we discuss at-length one of the most influential stories in the last 150 years: PINOCCHIO. We compare and contrast the book with the 1940’s Disney Classic, and the contemporary stop-motion film by Guillermo Del Toro. Throughout our conversation, we connect PINOCCHIO to the various biblical narratives it references, while gaining insights from Joseph Campbell and Jordan Peterson. Derrick also gets personal about fatherhood and welcoming his son into the world.
Podcast Inquiry
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