All Things Narrative Presents:


Connecting the movies we love with the stories we live

40: Finding God Through Nature and Grace (THE TREE OF LIFE)
Religion Derrick Hatch Religion Derrick Hatch

40: Finding God Through Nature and Grace (THE TREE OF LIFE)

What does it mean to wrestle with God? In our season finale, we analyze the richly complex theological masterpiece THE TREE OF LIFE. In this arthouse film, director Terrence Malick takes us on a tour through everything from the vastness of the cosmos, to the fragility of our own memories. Using a Sparklines storytelling structure, he allows us to grapple with the tension between creation and Creator. Our analysis incorporates the biblical narrative, the writings of Augustine and Dostoevsky, and the Tree of Life Narrative Practice, all accompanied by world-renown classical music. Additionally, we get personal about the family dynamics portrayed in THE TREE OF LIFE.

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39: How Religion Emerges and Evolves (KINGDOM OF THE PLANET OF THE APES)
Religion Derrick Hatch Religion Derrick Hatch

39: How Religion Emerges and Evolves (KINGDOM OF THE PLANET OF THE APES)

What do we make of religion? That's our topic for this month, and we're kicking things off with one of this summer's blockbuster hits: KINGDOM OF THE PLANET OF THE APES. These films have always incorporated religious themes and undertones. But in this episode, we analyze this installment's parallels with Christianity, church history, and whether there is anything out there better than mankind.

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21: Coming-of-Age in an Ever-Changing World (PINOCCHIO)
The Power of Myth Derrick Hatch The Power of Myth Derrick Hatch

21: Coming-of-Age in an Ever-Changing World (PINOCCHIO)

How do we grow and mature in a world that is trying to mold us into its own image? In this first entry of our 'Power of Myth' series, we discuss at-length one of the most influential stories in the last 150 years: PINOCCHIO. We compare and contrast the book with the 1940’s Disney Classic, and the contemporary stop-motion film by Guillermo Del Toro. Throughout our conversation, we connect PINOCCHIO to the various biblical narratives it references, while gaining insights from Joseph Campbell and Jordan Peterson. Derrick also gets personal about fatherhood and welcoming his son into the world.

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20: Renewing Your Purpose through Family and Sacrifice (LOGAN)
Fatherhood Derrick Hatch Fatherhood Derrick Hatch

20: Renewing Your Purpose through Family and Sacrifice (LOGAN)

How do we renew our sense of purpose when life feels meaningless? How do past and future generations inspire us to embrace our identities more fully? LOGAN, the final film in our fatherhood series, illustrates how family helps us find meaning in the sacrifices we make. We analyze LOGAN through the lens of archetypal storytelling, while providing insights from Joseph Campbell, Donald Miller, Viktor Frankl, Narrative Therapy Practices, and the Bible. Derrick also gets personal by sharing how this film awakened fatherhood within him.

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12: Here Am I, Send Me (FURY)
Acceptance Derrick Hatch Acceptance Derrick Hatch

12: Here Am I, Send Me (FURY)

How does conflict inform how we see ourselves, and who we ultimately become? This week, we dive into the gritty action-war film Fury and wrestle with this family forged by war, and how it informs their sense of identity and purpose. We also discuss several storytelling techniques Fury uses, including save the cat, Biblical symbolism, and the thematic opening.

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5: Avoiding a God-Complex (AVENGERS AGE OF ULTRON)
Origin Stories Derrick Hatch Origin Stories Derrick Hatch

5: Avoiding a God-Complex (AVENGERS AGE OF ULTRON)

How does the struggle to control manifest in your life? In 'Avengers Age of Ultron', this desire to control is evident in Tony Stark, as the layers of his psyche unravel through the personas of Iron Man, Ultron, and Vision. Through this film, Joseph shows how Stark's journey can help us avoid falling into the trap of the God-complex.

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Podcast Inquiry

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