All Things Narrative Presents:
Connecting the movies we love with the stories we live

44: The Journey Towards Great Art (RATATOUILLE)
How does one become a great artist? Finishing out our "I Am The Protagonist" series is Jason's pick, the beloved Pixar film RATATOUILLE. We discuss the role of criticism in art, while settling the debate once and for all whether anyone can cook.

41: To See With Eyes Unclouded By Hate (PRINCESS MONONOKE)
Have you ver felt trapped in a conflict that’s beyond your control? We kick off our brand new series “I Am the Protagonist” with a very personal film for Derrick: Hayao Miyazaki’s PRINCESS MONONOKE. This Studio Ghibli fantasy epic wrestles with how we can reconcile differing points of view. We also discuss the way it layers both Western and Eastern forms of storytelling, while analyzing it from different perspectives such as Christianity and Narrative Therapy.

22: Saying “Yes” to the Adventure of Life (THE GREEN KNIGHT)
How do myths of the past speak to our present situations? In this episode of our 'Power of Myth' series, we learn how to accept the adventures life grants us through the A24 film adaptation of the King Arthur tale THE GREEN KNIGHT. Nick shares how Sir Gawain's journey parallels his own, while providing insights from Joseph Campbell's book 'The Power of Myth'.

21: Coming-of-Age in an Ever-Changing World (PINOCCHIO)
How do we grow and mature in a world that is trying to mold us into its own image? In this first entry of our 'Power of Myth' series, we discuss at-length one of the most influential stories in the last 150 years: PINOCCHIO. We compare and contrast the book with the 1940’s Disney Classic, and the contemporary stop-motion film by Guillermo Del Toro. Throughout our conversation, we connect PINOCCHIO to the various biblical narratives it references, while gaining insights from Joseph Campbell and Jordan Peterson. Derrick also gets personal about fatherhood and welcoming his son into the world.

14: Confronting Nature’s Brutality (WATERSHIP DOWN)
How do we confront the brutality of nature that lies within animals and ourselves? We're diving down the dark rabbit hole that is WATERSHIP DOWN, a so-called "children's" story about colorful topics such as cruelty, tyranny, and the inevitability of your own demise. We have too many laughs trying to discern what this story means, while also discussing everything from the power of myth, to deus ex machina's, and the time a dog attacked Derrick's chicken.

13: Finding Strength through Compassion (HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE)
How do we continue to do good, even when everything around us is falling apart? In this week's episode, we continue exploring the theme of acceptance through HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE by Studio Ghibli. Featuring an eclectic family made up of a cursed woman, an insecure wizard, a mute scarecrow, and a fire demon, we find at its heart a tale about carrying one's burdens. We also discuss the difference between Eastern and Western storytelling, and how that's reflected in the films of Hayao Miyazaki.

Bonus: Atonement with the Father (RETURN OF THE JEDI)
In our first bonus episode, we share an outtake from our Star Wars conversation regarding Joseph Campbell's "Atonement with the Father" stage, and how it connects with both Return of the Jedi and Derrick's healing with his own father.

2: Stories and Our Search for Meaning (Derrick & the STAR WARS Trilogy)
The search for meaning is an inevitable part of what it means to be human. It is through this search that we learn how to better navigate life day by day. And that's what we explore through the work of Viktor Frankl and the Narrative Therapy Practice of externalizing problems. We show how these and other elements help unravel the Star Wars narrative as it's revealed in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Throughout this discussion, Derrick also shares parts of his story, and why we all gravitate towards certain kinds of films.

1: What’s Your Origin Story? (STAR WARS)
Everyone has an origin story that illustrates who they are, where they come from, and why they're here. In our debut episode, we explore the origin story as a concept through Star Wars: A New Hope. Derrick then shares how this film (and George Lucas' journey of making it) inspired his passion for storytelling. Along the way, we discuss how to craft your own origin story using the Hero's Journey from Joseph Campbell, with additional insights about the Narrative Metaphor, and the origin story of how the four of us met.
Podcast Inquiry
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