All Things Narrative Presents:
Connecting the movies we love with the stories we live

46: A Battle Worth Fighting (300)
How do you contend for what you believe in, even when the odds are stacked against you? Joseph leads us through the film 300, the next entry in our 'Authenticity' series. We discuss how a film like 300 can be so beloved across diverse contexts such as schools, churches, addiction recovery, and Narrative Therapy. We also weed out fact versus fiction in its depiction of Spartan history, and debate whether Zack Snyder is actually a good director.

41: To See With Eyes Unclouded By Hate (PRINCESS MONONOKE)
Have you ver felt trapped in a conflict that’s beyond your control? We kick off our brand new series “I Am the Protagonist” with a very personal film for Derrick: Hayao Miyazaki’s PRINCESS MONONOKE. This Studio Ghibli fantasy epic wrestles with how we can reconcile differing points of view. We also discuss the way it layers both Western and Eastern forms of storytelling, while analyzing it from different perspectives such as Christianity and Narrative Therapy.

32: Why Are We Drawn to Villains? (AMERICAN PSYCHO)
What are we truly capable of? We continue through our ‘Hearts of Darkness’ series by discussing one of the 21st Century’s most controversial films: AMERICAN PSYCHO. We wrestle with why so many people are drawn to Patrick Bateman, while also discussing the importance of confession, and the Normalizing Gaze.

24: Recovering Your Agency in a Broken System (ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST)
How do people stuck in a broken system find liberation? In this final installment of our 'Power of Myth' series, we analyze Jason's pick, one of the most acclaimed films of all time: ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST. Throughout this conversation, we explain how this is a Narrative Therapy film that challenges the 'normalizing gaze', and reveals why we should take a de-centered, yet influential approach in helping others. Jason also gets personal in sharing how he overcame depression, and how his passion for birds unlocks this story's deeper meaning.

19: Re-Membering Your Parent (AFTERSUN)
When we get older, we often think back to our own parents, trying to make sense of that relationship through our fractured memories. In this emotional episode, we discuss parenting from both ends (as sons and as fathers) through the film AFTERSUN. We get vulnerable sharing about experiences with our fathers, and how this realistic father-daughter story broke Derrick. Along the way, we discuss the struggles of parenting, the Narrative Practice of Re-Membering, and the power of film as a visual medium for storytelling.

18: Examining Fatherhood Expectations and Discourses (PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS & BICYCLE THIEVES)
It’s fatherhood month on our podcast! And we’re kicking things off by comparing two iconic depictions of fatherhood in cinema: the classic BICYCLE THIEVES, and the more contemporary PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS. We compare and contrast these relationships between fathers and sons, and how different discourses (expectations, narratives) around fatherhood manifest in both films and the world we live in. We also discuss the implications of race, and what true happiness entails according to C.S. Lewis, Viktor Frankl, and the Ancient Greeks.

10: How Stories Shape Reality and Identity (DUNE PART TWO)
Whoever controls the narrative can shape reality to how they see fit. In our analysis of the newly released 'Dune Part Two', we confront the beauties and horrors of storytelling. You'll also learn how 'Dune' embodies a Narrative Therapy perspective on identity, confront the dark side of religion, and explore the various archetypes within Paul Atreides.
Podcast Inquiry
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