All Things Narrative Presents:
Connecting the movies we love with the stories we live

21: Coming-of-Age in an Ever-Changing World (PINOCCHIO)
How do we grow and mature in a world that is trying to mold us into its own image? In this first entry of our 'Power of Myth' series, we discuss at-length one of the most influential stories in the last 150 years: PINOCCHIO. We compare and contrast the book with the 1940’s Disney Classic, and the contemporary stop-motion film by Guillermo Del Toro. Throughout our conversation, we connect PINOCCHIO to the various biblical narratives it references, while gaining insights from Joseph Campbell and Jordan Peterson. Derrick also gets personal about fatherhood and welcoming his son into the world.

20: Renewing Your Purpose through Family and Sacrifice (LOGAN)
How do we renew our sense of purpose when life feels meaningless? How do past and future generations inspire us to embrace our identities more fully? LOGAN, the final film in our fatherhood series, illustrates how family helps us find meaning in the sacrifices we make. We analyze LOGAN through the lens of archetypal storytelling, while providing insights from Joseph Campbell, Donald Miller, Viktor Frankl, Narrative Therapy Practices, and the Bible. Derrick also gets personal by sharing how this film awakened fatherhood within him.

19: Re-Membering Your Parent (AFTERSUN)
When we get older, we often think back to our own parents, trying to make sense of that relationship through our fractured memories. In this emotional episode, we discuss parenting from both ends (as sons and as fathers) through the film AFTERSUN. We get vulnerable sharing about experiences with our fathers, and how this realistic father-daughter story broke Derrick. Along the way, we discuss the struggles of parenting, the Narrative Practice of Re-Membering, and the power of film as a visual medium for storytelling.

18: Examining Fatherhood Expectations and Discourses (PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS & BICYCLE THIEVES)
It’s fatherhood month on our podcast! And we’re kicking things off by comparing two iconic depictions of fatherhood in cinema: the classic BICYCLE THIEVES, and the more contemporary PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS. We compare and contrast these relationships between fathers and sons, and how different discourses (expectations, narratives) around fatherhood manifest in both films and the world we live in. We also discuss the implications of race, and what true happiness entails according to C.S. Lewis, Viktor Frankl, and the Ancient Greeks.

17: Humanity’s Conflict Within (WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES)
Humanity sure is complicated! And that's exactly what the PLANET OF THE APES prequel trilogy wrestles with, as apes gain consciousness and human-like qualities. We wrestle with the final film of this trilogy, WAR, and how despite its imperfections, it serves as a thought-provoking story about the battle for one's soul.

16: Facing External Conflicts Head-On (RISE & DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES)
Humanity sure is complicated! And that's exactly what the PLANET OF THE APES prequel trilogy wrestles with, as apes gain consciousness and human-like qualities. We navigate the different kinds of conflict depicted in these films (particularly in RISE & DAWN), and how as good science fiction, these stories help us think through what it means to be human in our world today.

15: Is Humanity Making Progress? (PLANET OF THE APES)
Are humans evolving into greatness? Or do the limitations of our nature impede progress? We begin our discussion on the PLANET OF THE APES films, starting with the 1968 original. We reflect on what this story means for us in these uncertain times we live in, and how to navigate the paradox that is humankind.

14: Confronting Nature’s Brutality (WATERSHIP DOWN)
How do we confront the brutality of nature that lies within animals and ourselves? We're diving down the dark rabbit hole that is WATERSHIP DOWN, a so-called "children's" story about colorful topics such as cruelty, tyranny, and the inevitability of your own demise. We have too many laughs trying to discern what this story means, while also discussing everything from the power of myth, to deus ex machina's, and the time a dog attacked Derrick's chicken.

13: Finding Strength through Compassion (HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE)
How do we continue to do good, even when everything around us is falling apart? In this week's episode, we continue exploring the theme of acceptance through HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE by Studio Ghibli. Featuring an eclectic family made up of a cursed woman, an insecure wizard, a mute scarecrow, and a fire demon, we find at its heart a tale about carrying one's burdens. We also discuss the difference between Eastern and Western storytelling, and how that's reflected in the films of Hayao Miyazaki.

12: Here Am I, Send Me (FURY)
How does conflict inform how we see ourselves, and who we ultimately become? This week, we dive into the gritty action-war film Fury and wrestle with this family forged by war, and how it informs their sense of identity and purpose. We also discuss several storytelling techniques Fury uses, including save the cat, Biblical symbolism, and the thematic opening.

11: Letting Go of Your Past Life (PAST LIVES)
Have you ever struggled to let go of the past? If so, then the bittersweet romance in 'Past Lives' might resonate with you. As we analyze this film, we'll share how everything from the Beatles song "In My Life" to the concept of Re-Authoring can help us live more fully in the moment.

10: How Stories Shape Reality and Identity (DUNE PART TWO)
Whoever controls the narrative can shape reality to how they see fit. In our analysis of the newly released 'Dune Part Two', we confront the beauties and horrors of storytelling. You'll also learn how 'Dune' embodies a Narrative Therapy perspective on identity, confront the dark side of religion, and explore the various archetypes within Paul Atreides.

9: A Cautionary Tale about Destiny and the Power of Dreams (DUNE PART ONE)
Dreams are messages from the deep; but where will our dreams ultimately take us? In this episode, we begin our deep dive into all things 'Dune', including an analysis of the 2021 film. We explore this cautionary tale through the lenses of identity and destiny, incorporating insights from Jonathan Gottschall's book The Storytelling Animal.

Bonus: Atonement with the Father (RETURN OF THE JEDI)
In our first bonus episode, we share an outtake from our Star Wars conversation regarding Joseph Campbell's "Atonement with the Father" stage, and how it connects with both Return of the Jedi and Derrick's healing with his own father.

8: How Curiosity Frees Us from Autopilot (Jason & WALL-E)
How do we break free from autopilot? We wrestle with this question by exploring the temptation to outsource to technology, as seen in both 'Wall-E' and '2001 Space Odyssey'. And Jason shares his journey of breaking free through cultivating curiosity and wonder in his life.

7: How Connections Help Us Flourish (WALL-E)
How is connection the key to human flourishing? The film Wall-E explores the relationships between humanity, technology, the earth, and what happens when things go awry. Jason leads us in a conversation about Wall-E that traverses dystopias, identity, and the Narrative Practice of Re-Membering, so we can find ways to connect that help us flourish.

6: When Fear and Trauma Cloud Your Vision (Joseph and AVENGERS AGE OF ULTRON)
How do the fears and traumas we've experienced affect the way we live? Joseph shares his story, and how it mirrors many of the fears and traumas portrayed in the Avengers films. We also share some insights from neuroscience about traumatic narratives in the brain, and working with kids who have experienced trauma.

5: Avoiding a God-Complex (AVENGERS AGE OF ULTRON)
How does the struggle to control manifest in your life? In 'Avengers Age of Ultron', this desire to control is evident in Tony Stark, as the layers of his psyche unravel through the personas of Iron Man, Ultron, and Vision. Through this film, Joseph shows how Stark's journey can help us avoid falling into the trap of the God-complex.

4: Reconnecting with Yourself and the World Around You (Nick’s Story & STRANGER THAN PARADISE)
What do we do when we feel disconnected with our identity and relationships? In this episode, we share insights about how to reconnect with ourselves, nature, other people, and God. Along the way, Nick gets personal with his story, and how he sees it in relation to the film Stranger Than Paradise. We also explore the power of connection through Richard Rohor's contemplative insights and David Denborough's 'Team of Life' Narrative Practice.

3: When Everything Looks the Same in Your Life (STRANGER THAN PARADISE)
Have you ever felt stuck in life? In this conversation, Nick leads us through the Criterion classic Stranger Than Paradise, and its realistic portrayal of loneliness and longing. Throughout the discussion, we'll share ways to break out of the monotony of life through re-authoring, and embarking on new calls to adventure.
Podcast Inquiry
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Interested in being a potential guest?
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Contact us here!